3 Doors Down - 3 Doors Down

Artista: 3 Doors Down
Título del album: 3 Doors Down
Fecha de lanzamiento: Mayo/May 20, 2008
Categoría: rock
Total tiempo: 45:30 min
Total archivo: 88,8 mb

Track list

1. Train [3:10]
2. Citizen/Soldier [3:52]
3. It's Not My Time [4:01]
4. Let Me Be Myself [3:48]
5. Pages [3:47]
6. It's the Only One You've Got [4:23]
7. Give it to Me [3:21]
8. These Days [3:39]
9. Your Arms Feel Like Home [3:44]
10. Runaway [3:24]
11. When It's Over [4:18]
12. She Don't Want the World [4:03]

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