Sonata Arctica - Unia

Artista: Sonata Arctica
Título del album: Unia
Año de lanzamiento: 2007
Categoría: metal, power metal
Total tiempo: 58 Min
Total archivo: 90,9 MB

Track list

1. In Black And White [5:04]
2. Paid In Full [4:24]
3. For The Sake Of Revenge [3:23]
4. It Won't Fade [5:59]
5. Under Your Tree [5:14]
6. Caleb [6:17]
7. The Vice [4:09]
8. My Dream's But A Drop Of Fuel For A Nightmare [6:13]
9. The Harvest [4:19]
10. The Worlds Forgotten, The Words Forbidden [2:57]
11. Fly With The Black Swan [5:08]
12. Good Enough Is Good Enough [5:32]

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